Sunday, January 24, 2010

First blog posting

Most people never have to go through the pain and suffuring of losing a child, but those of us unlucky enought to have felt this pain have a hard time dealing with it if we ever do. I was 16 when I got pregnant. Teen pregnancy is a big issue to a lot of people nowadays. I understand that to an extent but at the same time i don't. I understand that most teens who get pregnant aren't ready or mature enough to have a baby yet but there are the girls like me who are more than ready to care for a child. Girls use to get pregnant and married as young as 14 years old and nobody so much as blinked an eye because it was just a part of life. Many of the teenage girls who go through an unplanned pregnancy can't be mothers yet and decide to put their children up for adoption and most of the time that truely is the best thing they could do for their babies but others like me want to keep their babies.But just because you want to keep your baby doesn't always mean you can.But the worst thing that can happen to any girl no matter what her age is losing a child. I was 5 1/2 months pregnant when my daughter was stillborn. I know how i felt when that happened i didnt have anyone to talk to who had been through anything similar I just hope that this blog might help other women who go through that

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